Large hatches for bow and stern are standard in the kit, and will absorb fishing gear and lunch for a day’s outing, or camping gear for a week. The Sea Island Sport kit is complete, without expensive and pesky add-ons. Total construction time is about 80 hours, much like our other kayak kits. Parts are located in the hull with pre-drilled holes, so in theory you could build the entire boat without picking up a tape measure. Convenient features include “puzzle joints” for rapid assembly of computer-cut hull panels, and computer-drilled holes for most of the copper stitches used in assembly. The Sea Island is essentially identical in construction to many other CLC boats. In cooler weather, the Sea Island’s dry ride will extend your season. In the hot months, you sit in the open air so your legs won’t broil. The boat is easy to get into, and for fishermen, stability is sufficient to drop the paddle and reel in a big striper. You don’t need to worry about your shoe size, and the “height at knees” measurement is infinite.

Any water that comes in will drain right back out through the bottom of the boat. The Sea Island's roomy cockpit will fit almost anyone under 275 pounds. Sharp-eyed observers will note the similarity to CLC’s popular Eric Schade-designed Shearwater line, which have a similar cambered Sapele deck and tumbled-home sides. The reddish Sapele contrasts with the more honey-colored BS 1088 Okoume in the hull. The Sea Island Sport is 15'6" long and features a pleasing shape, attractive from every angle, with a unique contrasting deck made out of Sapele plywood. Like Eric, Nick is dedicated to performance, but he’s also an artist of the first order.” “Not many people can combine the art and science of boat design as seamlessly as the Schade brothers. “Nick’s a sculptor,” says CLC president John C. Credit for the design goes to Nick Schade, whose brother Eric designed CLC’s Shearwater line of kayaks. The Sea Island Sport is CLC’s response to hundreds of requests for an attractive stitch-and-glue sit-on-top. If you wanted something light and beautiful that you could build yourself, you were out of luck.until now. The plastic sit-on-top designs are an accepted part of the scenery, functional but about as aesthetically pleasing as a dog toy. Thus the ubiquitous colorful plastic recreational kayaks, which you sit on top of, rather than inside of.

Finally! A sit-on-top with style - Traditional sea kayaks are elegant and sleek but their cockpits exclude a lot of people who paddle where it’s hot, and almost anybody who has stiff knees or who doesn’t want to be confined in an enclosed cockpit.